Rants and rAVes — Episode 1026: Study With Steph to Get Your CTS!

rants and raves 1026 1rAVe’s own Steph Beckett joined Gary on his latest videocast to talk about an all-new podcast logically titled: Study With StephSteph’s been in AV for a few years now, and Gary challenged her to get her AVIXA CTS certification. Well, challenge accepted. But, since Steph never does anything alone, she’s taking you along on her CTS journey — so any and all AV’ers (who want to get their CTS too) can listen to her weekly Study With Steph podcast coming your way in January 2021. And, it’ll all culminate in a “Stephception” at InfoComm 2021 where Steph and all her CTS study buddies will take the CTS test together (and drink wine, too). Listen and watch to see how you can participate in Study With Steph!
