Rants & rAVes — Episode 1310: Why WAVIT Is Important to AV

rants&rAVes template 1310

On the latest “Steph Takeover” episode of Rants & rAVes, I speak with Gina Sansivero of AtlasIED about an organization she helped found called Women of AV/IT (WAVIT). The organization aims to create a network of support for women in (or looking to enter) the AV and IT industries. As president, Gina helps with all types of outreach from developing internships to creating and maintaining relationships with partner organizations. Learn more about WAVIT by watching this episode — you can also find out how to join!

We’re thrilled to have WAVIT as a partner for LAVNCH WEEK 9. You can find out more about that virtual event — coming up March 18-21. Register here.
